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Small Biz Info

Consultants for
Marlborough Small Businesses

Our Story

We realise business can be tough and brutal at times, and also know that there are a lot of small business owners who are passionate about what they do.

At Small Biz Info, we want to pass on our 35 years of business experience learnt the hard way across different industries. Over 20 of these years, we were self-employed, starting businesses from scratch, growing, surviving and thriving.

We are here to support small business in the Marlborough/Tasman area and wish to offer our services to like-minded people who are starting out or have started on their personal journey of business ownership. We want to support small businesses with up to 30 employees or less.

Based on our personal experience in small business, there is no one to turn to for general advice in times of need. Most business advisors are accountants – we aren’t accountants or lawyers. We are normal people who started businesses from scratch with nothing more than a good idea, and tons of enthusiasm.

We learnt our business lessons as we went along, not all good, but at the same time rewarding also. We want to pass on all these experiences to small businesses that want to engage our services. We want to join you on your journey in the business world.

We are unfortunately not a free service, but we can honesty say our practical advice based on our 20 years of personal business experience will save you huge amounts of time and money in the long run.

We would love the opportunity to be involved in your business today.

Graeme and Trish Thorne
Proud to live in the top of the South.